Arthur the War Horse

Arthur the War Horse is a registered War Memorial for the First World War. it was erected in 2018 to commemorate 100 years since the end of the war.

The Silhouette is based on the War Horse Memorial statue in Ascot which was commissioned to honour and remember the thousands of animals which were "conscripted" into the war. The great majority of this animals lost their lives. 

The Horse is named after Private Arthur Pearce a regular soldier in the Royal Berkshire Regiment at the on set of the Great War. The regiment was part of the British Expeditionary Force [BEF] sent over to the Western Front at the start of the war. Arthur was 27 when he was killed, possibly by a sniper, early in the conflict sometime around the Battle of Mons and is buried at Ypres.
Before going to war, he lived with his wife and two daughters in one of the cottages in Little London opposite New Road. When he left for France, his wife was pregnant with their third child....He never saw his son.